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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Sendler and how does it work?

Sendler is a B2B email marketing tool that crafts personalized videos for each lead in your campaign. Just upload your sales video and a list of leads, and Sendler does the rest, creating unique videos that showcase the lead's website in the background while your message takes center stage. You can customize themes and variables add an extra layer of personalization, boosting engagement and driving sales.

What tools does Sendler integrate with?

Sendler integrates with all the popular email marketing platforms such as Instantly, SmartLead, Hubspot, Apollo, Salesforce and many more.

How long does it take to generate videos?

It's incredibly fast, it takes ~15 minutes for 1000 videos

Is it bad for deliverability?

No, you wont have a problem with deliverability as long as the video is not sent in the first email. We recommend sending the video in the first follow-up and when a prospect requests more information. Contact us if you want 1 on 1 guidance with one of our experts

Can I use my own domain?

Yes, you can even use multiple domains if you have multiple clients or companies and tailor them for each campaign. The domain will be video.{{your_domain}}

A nice red blur gradient
A nice blue blur gradient

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